Career Planning

  • Career planning is a process that begins before and throughout high school. Career planning, in fact, is an ongoing process that allows you to rethink and reevaluate yourself and your career options as you have experiences, and as you grow and develop.

    At the high school level, perhaps the best way of starting is to begin the process of self-exploration. Self-exploration allows you to think about your

    • Skills and abilities
    • Interests
    • Personal priorities
    • Training and education
    • Life experiences


    Why Career Planning in High School?

    During the high school years, you should get to know yourself. Now is the time to learn about who you are, and what you are good at. How can you do that? Below are some activities that will help:

    • Take lots of classes to learn subjects, strengths and interests.
    • Learn to develop new skills through classes, clubs, activities, etc.
    • Begin to explore career options. Talk to advisors, counselors, teachers, parents, and friends. Do some research into careers that interest you.
    • Find part-time jobs or voluntary experiences which allow you to try different career areas.

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